Viking Jess
YoWorld Community Manager
Registered: n/a
Posts: 9998
Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:44 am
Hey YoFans,
You've been waiting for it... our new User Interface update has arrived! If you want to find out what's new, you've come to the right place. Keep reading!
New Layout, New Design, New Features… It’s YoWorld, only better!Check out that sweet, sleek new design! New colours, redesigned icons, and more room to play... The new and improved YoWorld has it all.
- The top bar has been redesigned! More options are now available in your room options and game settings!
- The bottom bar got a makeover too! From an awesome new layout to great new chat features, a fancy neighbor ladder and even neat new icons for your favourite Yo activities, things are looking pretty spiffy.
- We've improved your Buddy List to include search filtering, customizable categories, and more messaging options. Keep better track of your friends!
- Decorating has been made even easier! Turn blackspace decorating on, check out the new edit mode store, and get those creative juices flowing.
- Best of all, everything is outside of the play area! Maximum YoWorld space means maximum YoWorld fun
How awesome is this!? If you're looking for more information on any of the changes, click on one of the topics below:
Top BarBottom BarBuddy ListChat FeaturesEdit Mode Store & Decorating FeaturesHave questions about any of it? Ask away in the thread below!