MEL (122447559) wrote:I have seen other players that have changed the name of their arrow keys (say to go into the kitchen) to a different label name.
How do I do that? I have attempted renaming in edit mode, but cannot find a link. Please help, thanks
oh my gosh you look like an ice cream cone!.
Its as easy as pie. I love the way they did that. Simple, sweet and hard to beat!
You name your room. Refresh
The name of your room will be the arrow. Isnt that as kewl as ever?
Now if you really want to get fancy you need to think it backwards.
The goal is to get the person to go from point 1 to point 5 and not give up the hunt. In point 5 you have the ultimate display of awesome. a pictorgraph of a person making cake! you are so small you look like a child to it it is so large a pictorgraph.
so in point
1. the room name is SHOE. In this room you will only make a picture graph of a shoe or 2 shoes and the name of the room is shoe. maybe put some of them shoe boxes around displaying shoes.
2. the next room is a room of a huge cake with candles and some chairs maybe 10. it has to be one large cake so all the people look small in the chairs. this room is called CAKE. Here you have a cake and eat it too.
3. This is the hard room as in center people lose interest here you have balloons a whole room filled with red balloons and hearts. This is called Balloons.
4. Here is another non interesting room as number 4 always seems to lose the audience so here you have to make them go to room 5. the main goal is get to room 5. so in room 4 you have confetti laying around and call this room left overs. ribbons, confetti. boxes presents. all this. call this ROOm, STUFF.
5. the next room must have the best name as this room will elaborate it all. It will be a room with a huge lady serving a cake in a kitchen but you are so small, and smaller than a child when you enter.
Name this room BVG Hostess Cupcake. 20 to 50 can come in no lag as this pictograph is signed by the creature and it is in picture format of a room. only thing needed in here are the chairs and the people.
so that is just example.
with the nice thing about the arrows is if we have a decorated room that we do not want to tear apart we can lead the person in this without destroying this room to place it someplace else.