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CherryNChanyeol BLK (185764466) wrote:We need to win the game to get points, leaving the game doesn't give any points now
ZipLocket (144540244) wrote:I think some people abuse the game no matter what is given or taken away in it. Some people stay mean, hostile and hatefful no matter what we do.
I do remember maxers kicking out players and really hurting some people for no reason at all other than being full of hatred and jealousy.
I dont know all about maxing but i sure remember mean spirited people in it. but hey we will meet that anywhere.
I loved maxing as it was a way for me as a noob to help others without it killing me.
I used to max and people gifted me. oh my gosh no one knows how sweet that is unless that happened to you and you were a noob with nothing. It stopped the begging. no one begged when this happned.
A person would maxx you and then you gifted them. I stopped accepting gifts as I love the social part of gabbing so to me them being with me was my gift!
i maxed for free just for the company!
people loved to decorate their rooms for maxing parties.
It would be nice to have them back. it be nicer if we did fresh maxing rooms following new themes.
It wouuld be really nice if busy body mean spirited people could not kick people out of a maxing event.
maybe all maxing events had to max everyone and the ability to kick was eliminated from a max event would solve the hater problem.
I hate to see maxing go becauser of a hateful person. its not right or fair. really. many of us do enjoy just to relax a bit. id be decorating or doing things and go to them just to hear the coins kaching. it relaxed me.
Smokey taught me to max. she would have event and Id run to it.
I know I always talk about her. I just cant help it. she was jsut so nice to a stupid person. lol
xxSuzieQ MRMxx (4164477) wrote:From what I know, BVG is aware of the game changes. There is no consideration to change them back to their original functions unless they hear from players. I strongly encourage everyone to write to them and let them know how you feel about the new changes. Remember the saying regarding squeaky wheels. If we do not write to them, they will think it affects a small number of players and that we are happy with that change.
Arnold (12789920) wrote:xxSuzieQ MRMxx (4164477) wrote:From what I know, BVG is aware of the game changes. There is no consideration to change them back to their original functions unless they hear from players. I strongly encourage everyone to write to them and let them know how you feel about the new changes. Remember the saying regarding squeaky wheels. If we do not write to them, they will think it affects a small number of players and that we are happy with that change.
They will fix the problem . Viking Nick just said a bunch of stuff about how he likes to fix bugs in the most recent podcast . And this is a bug . They increased maxing to 100 games . They wouldn't help the maxers and then get rid of maxing without telling anyone . They know that there are so many different styles of gameplay in yoworld and that maxing is one of them , they would'nt just get of maxng intentionally . When developers mess with the code to fix stuff other stuff gets broken . Then they fix the broken things .