Lisa Jayne
Registered: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 364
Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:48 pm
I'm CEO in the factory and I get 1200 coins, plus 600 for every ACTIVE member on my crew (crew are the 4 other Yo's it shows you when you click to work) you need to send out requests to invite people if there is no one there, also I would advise letting the people you request know that you've sent it out as FB doesnt normally show you the request page anymore and you have to specifically accept from there (found this out helping my niece) as for getting to CEO thats a LOT harder than it seems you need to find NEW players to the game to add as it wont accept existing players like it used to.
You get coins when you level up too, the more you level up the more coins you get each level also every 5 levels you get a small amount of yocash which increases with your level
Opening the boxes daily (250) is a good way to gain coins though to get the most out of it you need enough buddies to receive 250 boxes daily to open
Friend visits is an item and 100 coins (per friend a max of 10 though you can return visits when you see people at your home netting you another item and 100 coins one more reason why buddy's are helpful!)
you have the daily log in bonus as long you dont miss a day the prize will increase each day (up to the 7th day then it will reset)
BUT tbh just go for leveling up... coins will follow
as you level up the bonus you receive from "most" things goes up too
you'll get bigger rewards from the adds and the level up coins
This is a lot more than I intended to write lol good luck either way
and enjoy the game