Registered: Jul 21, 2009
Posts: 1147
Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:48 am
Is there an easy way people use to make their wish lists/ giveaway lists?
I've done a 'giveaway' list before but what I did was search the item in my inventory, use the 'snipping tool' to create a small SS of the inventory tile image, paste that into a MS Paint blank canvas - rinse repeat with the next items so that I have a few rows of items in MS paint, then save the whole thing as one image. As people requested items, I'd open the image in MS Paint again and put a huge yellow star over it, save and re-upload.
But there's gotta be an easier way to do it... and now I want to start putting together a wish list... so if anyone has any suggestions to make the process easier that would be awesome!