Registered: Oct 23, 2009
Posts: 260
Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:27 am
Hello to everyone,
first of all I apologize for the lack of proper english as it is not my native language and I find it hard expressing my thoughts and feelings and finding suitable words. With that being said, I consider myself an old 2009 player. I've taken several breaks from Yoworld during the years, my last one was 1.5 years due to illness.
I got back literally 2 days ago just to find that the game has moved to HTML5 and the lag is just horrible. This is not a big issue as I was planning to purchase new device anyway and I'm sure my game experience would improve. Other things bug me a lot and it leaves me confused and sad at the same time. None of my friend's list is active anymore, there are people who hadn't played for weeks and even years. Deserted, dusty homes. Old forgotten messages in friend's feeds, that are left hanging there for months. There are just a few active people that are at events and Altons - it's like a ghost town.I wandered around for a bit, went to a couple of friend's places when we used to hang out and suddenly I felt it - it's not the same and it will never be. And I can't figure out why. I've never seen such few events on Sunday, when it used to be hoarded with players and sales. And Alton towers used to be packed. Please, don't get me wrong,I'm not ranting. Probably players who have been around the whole time are familiar with the slow process of withdrawal from YW and are used to it, but for player who recently got back like me, this is disturbing and shocking to say the least. I was so full of nostalgia and so excited to be back, looking forward to buy new stuff and sell my old stuff I no longed need, basically to catch up on everything I've missed. And now I feel like a whole era for me has come to an end. So many memories - making new friends, hanging out with the besties, having great conversations, bonding with people. The laughter, the tears (sometimes), the struggles, the small victories. Going to sales, looking for good deals, struggling to decorate etc. - heck, I've been playing for 13 years. It all came flashing in front of me like a movie reel. I feel all this is long gone and some of the old players i've know for years are never coming back. I tried to make a sale on my old Halloween stuff to check if someone would show up, noone did. Even though I don't even know prices now and I'm sure my items were pretty cheap. Noone came to my sale. I'm not sure what happened to with my beloved game , it definitely feels "cold" and distant to me now. Has anyone felt the same way as I do? Have you ever had similar feelings towards the game? Or (I can only hope) this is temporary and many people are yet to be returning? Please, share your thought about the future of Yoworld, as I am seriously concerned where the game is heading to? Also, sorry for the long post, I've never been an active forumer, I'm more like the reading type. But this time, I felt the need to reach out to you all. Thanks to everyone who reads this.