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Jerry JPY

Registered: Jul 28, 2009
Posts: 536

Tue Jul 09, 2024 1:41 pm
Viking Andrew wrote:Update 7/9/2024

Hey YoFans!

We wanted to give you an update on Paint Boards. Our team is diligently working on potential solutions and we are hopeful that we can restore functionality to these boards in the future. Our ultimate goal is to also restore images, although this might not be possible.

While we continue to investigate these solutions, we want to show our appreciation for your continued patience with a token of gratitude. Every player who owns Paint Boards and has logged in since April 6, 2024 will receive a FREE gift of 25 YoCash.

Thank you all!

The YoWorld Team

Update 6/21/24

Update 6/7/24:

Please see an update on this situation here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=249243&start=420#p5452853


Dear YoFans,

We have an unfortunate but important update to provide regarding the Paint Boards. Due to unforeseen issues that saw players abusing these boards in ways that were never intended and are in direct violation of our TOS, we have had to make the difficult decision to disable these items and erase all existing content. This means that, effective immediately, Paint Boards will no longer allow you to save images in game.

We understand that this is not an ideal solution, and we sincerely wish there were alternatives.

We acknowledge that many of you have invested in and used these boards extensively. We know that sharing art and creating spaces to communicate in fun and memorable ways are a core part of YoWorld. While we’re forced to disable this feature, please know that we are currently working on a compensation plan to address this inconvenience. Additionally, our team is diligently exploring solutions to restore and improve functionality or provide suitable replacements for these items in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


The YoWorld Team

Are you kidding us. I am tired of waiting. I am out the use of 7428 boards or more. BVG has destroyed my game play by deleting the boards. Years of work lost in one second.
I am tired of waiting to be able to use them or get compensate for their loss and the years of hard work put in to them.
A lousy 25 yocash for what? to appease us? To keep us happy for now? Nah keep it, it just pisses me off even more. I am angry about this and a lousy 25 yo after months of waiting is a slap in the face and to be honest an insult.
So how long are we going have to wait this time, a week, a month, a year? BVG should have fixed this one way or the other by now. Not telling us we have to wait even longer. I will give it one more week then I am done. I am tired of waiting.



Registered: Oct 05, 2016
Posts: 19580

Tue Jul 09, 2024 1:45 pm
For me, 25 yocash was way more than I ever spent. But for others, it's a pittance. And I only had a few of my memories ruined. Others had a lifetime of memories lost forever.

I get it it's "just for now" but don't let this get swept under the rug. I don't need anything more from you guys, except a way to restore the paint boards. But you need to do more for the others...


Registered: Oct 04, 2012
Posts: 44

Tue Jul 09, 2024 2:17 pm
I have boards, I took them from my rooms and put them in my inventory. Alot of them I got rid of. Want the promo for the ones I still have that are now in my inventory. Thanks.... it still doesnt make up for the many that were gifted or that I paid for and are gone, buy its better than nothing. So disappointed


Registered: Dec 28, 2008
Posts: 19

Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:03 pm
I got nothing I have the boards in my inventory. Is there a link or did we not get the cash yet?

Lisa Rene

Registered: Mar 06, 2009
Posts: 47

Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:05 pm
Viking Andrew wrote:
Loie (9730540) wrote:why are only some ppl getting the 25yc
i had 112yc worth of med/large boards, and 1,005,000coins worth of small boards
all of mine are still in the rooms, in hopes that the work i put into them will come back.
placing them perfectly was extremely difficult. i'm not removing them until we know if the artwork will come back.
are only the players with their boards in their floating inventory getting the 25yc?

You should have a promo to claim your 25 YoCash from.

Umm... so when I found out they were not going to be working anymore, I deleted mine.... I did not have art on them but I did have them and I used them for sales... umm thanks?? :quiet:


Registered: Apr 13, 2009
Posts: 33

Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:09 pm
Thank you so much for the 25 Yo Cash :heart: :D


Registered: Jun 06, 2009
Posts: 29

Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:39 pm
I definitely did not receive $25 yo cash which is nice but a far cry from what was lost, i see some people have received it but i did not and i have boards and definitely have logged on since April 6th.... so how do we get it ???? :eh: :eh:


Registered: Mar 13, 2018
Posts: 178

Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:45 pm
25YC. The equivalent of about $5 US. Lame. Useless. Insulting. This does not convince me to give BVG any more money. The VIP remains canceled.

This move underscores a terrible fact: the company has contempt for us. Can we assume that the real, ultimate compensation will be usable only within the site? Meaning, you get recompense ONLY if you continue as a customer and risk further damage and harm. That's a slap in the face, and even in Canada, criticizing a bad business is legal and acceptable, according to the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise, who has been made aware of what is occurring here.


Registered: Apr 19, 2010
Posts: 258

Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:51 pm
Viking Andrew wrote:Update 7/9/2024

Hey YoFans!

We wanted to give you an update on Paint Boards. Our team is diligently working on potential solutions and we are hopeful that we can restore functionality to these boards in the future. Our ultimate goal is to also restore images, although this might not be possible.

While we continue to investigate these solutions, we want to show our appreciation for your continued patience with a token of gratitude. Every player who owns Paint Boards and has logged in since April 6, 2024 will receive a FREE gift of 25 YoCash.

Thank you all!

The YoWorld Team

Update 6/21/24

Update 6/7/24:

Please see an update on this situation here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=249243&start=420#p5452853


Dear YoFans,

We have an unfortunate but important update to provide regarding the Paint Boards. Due to unforeseen issues that saw players abusing these boards in ways that were never intended and are in direct violation of our TOS, we have had to make the difficult decision to disable these items and erase all existing content. This means that, effective immediately, Paint Boards will no longer allow you to save images in game.

We understand that this is not an ideal solution, and we sincerely wish there were alternatives.

We acknowledge that many of you have invested in and used these boards extensively. We know that sharing art and creating spaces to communicate in fun and memorable ways are a core part of YoWorld. While we’re forced to disable this feature, please know that we are currently working on a compensation plan to address this inconvenience. Additionally, our team is diligently exploring solutions to restore and improve functionality or provide suitable replacements for these items in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


The YoWorld Team

Are you f...king kiddin me , this is an insult every single yovillian in this game 25 yocash WTF :shocked: some players has over 1000 boards they spent years and tons of yocash they bought from there real money to fill you tards pockets at big vikings , im done i will never ever spent a dime on this game NEVER EVER , even zynga was more loyal to there players than you ever bin since you took over the game from them everything has gone from sh...t to worse all you guys thinks about is getting payed , there is tons of failures in game but funny all the buy yocash banners poip ups works 24/7 365 days a year ..

I actully thought you guys would have give all the online active players 100-250 yocash to show you mean it when you say you care , but you punch every single one in there faces with 25 yocash :grr

I have no words for this without getting banned from forum permantly :quiet:

To every single one of my friends i got into this game , im so so sorry please forgive me , i didn't know it would be as bad as this i is , im so so sorry i didn't know , if i did i would never had told you to join yoworld and use your money never ever :wailing:

Ive played this game since june 2008 i bin through a lot of sh...t in this game but i have never ever bin punched in my face like this by zynga like you BVG just did to me and the rest of yoworlds players , shame on you greedy a.. mofo's all you care about is money nothing else ..

My VIP are canceled when i need yocash from now on i buy it from other players not bvg you guys won't get a cent from me no more , you killed it this time bravo :thumbsup:


Registered: Dec 28, 2008
Posts: 19

Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:56 pm
[quote="Sandy (104610243)"]I definitely did not receive $25 yo cash which is nice but a far cry from what was lost, i see some people have received it but i did not and i have boards and definitely have logged on since April 6th.... so how do we get it ???? :eh: :eh:[/quote

Same :(


Registered: Mar 13, 2018
Posts: 178

Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:57 pm
xAx (157229677) wrote:I have no words for this without getting banned from forum permantly :quiet:

To every single one of my friends i got into this game , im so so sorry please forgive me , i didn't know it would be as bad as this i is , im so so sorry i didn't know , if i did i would never had told you to join yoworld and use your money never ever :wailing:

Ive played this game since june 2008 i bin through a lot of sh...t in this game but i have never ever bin punched in my face like this by zynga like you BVG just did to me and the rest of yoworlds players , shame on you greedy a.. mofo's all you care about is money nothing else ..

My VIP are canceled when i need yocash from now on i buy it from other players not bvg you guys won't get a cent from me no more , you killed it this time bravo :thumbsup:

Agree with every word. And yes, you owe your friends an apology. Amazing that the entity that harmed us also censors us. It's like chattel slavery in this respect: Smile and feign gratitude to your master or else.

Xax, I feel your pain and unlike the vikings, who care only about your cash, I care about your well being.


Registered: Sep 27, 2009
Posts: 300

Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:01 pm
I have not gotten the popup for my 25Yocash. I have been logging in for over a year every day. And I have a ton of paint boards. So where is my Yocash? I am very upset that I have not received the 25 yocash.


Registered: Jun 06, 2009
Posts: 29

Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:02 pm
Viking Andrew wrote:
Loie (9730540) wrote:why are only some ppl getting the 25yc
i had 112yc worth of med/large boards, and 1,005,000coins worth of small boards
all of mine are still in the rooms, in hopes that the work i put into them will come back.
placing them perfectly was extremely difficult. i'm not removing them until we know if the artwork will come back.
are only the players with their boards in their floating inventory getting the 25yc?

You should have a promo to claim your 25 YoCash from.

I have refreshed over and over as well as other friends have too and no promo code nothing !! we all got paint boards so im not sure what is going on some people get them some dont deff needs to be checked out !! thank you !!


Registered: Jun 06, 2009
Posts: 29

Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:03 pm
Samsquanch (6802364) wrote:
Sandy (104610243) wrote:I definitely did not receive $25 yo cash which is nice but a far cry from what was lost, i see some people have received it but i did not and i have boards and definitely have logged on since April 6th.... so how do we get it ???? :eh: :eh:[/quote

Same :(

i know i just commented on andrews post the only thing i can think of is i get alot of my other stuff at night time maybe it will come later i dont know though... seems odd !! no promo code...

x Takashi x

Registered: Jan 14, 2022
Posts: 61

Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:06 pm
xAx (157229677) wrote:
Viking Andrew wrote:Update 7/9/2024

Hey YoFans!

We wanted to give you an update on Paint Boards. Our team is diligently working on potential solutions and we are hopeful that we can restore functionality to these boards in the future. Our ultimate goal is to also restore images, although this might not be possible.

While we continue to investigate these solutions, we want to show our appreciation for your continued patience with a token of gratitude. Every player who owns Paint Boards and has logged in since April 6, 2024 will receive a FREE gift of 25 YoCash.

Thank you all!

The YoWorld Team

Update 6/21/24

Update 6/7/24:

Please see an update on this situation here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=249243&start=420#p5452853


Dear YoFans,

We have an unfortunate but important update to provide regarding the Paint Boards. Due to unforeseen issues that saw players abusing these boards in ways that were never intended and are in direct violation of our TOS, we have had to make the difficult decision to disable these items and erase all existing content. This means that, effective immediately, Paint Boards will no longer allow you to save images in game.

We understand that this is not an ideal solution, and we sincerely wish there were alternatives.

We acknowledge that many of you have invested in and used these boards extensively. We know that sharing art and creating spaces to communicate in fun and memorable ways are a core part of YoWorld. While we’re forced to disable this feature, please know that we are currently working on a compensation plan to address this inconvenience. Additionally, our team is diligently exploring solutions to restore and improve functionality or provide suitable replacements for these items in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


The YoWorld Team

Are you f...king kiddin me , this is an insult every single yovillian in this game 25 yocash WTF :shocked: some players has over 1000 boards they spent years and tons of yocash they bought from there real money to fill you tards pockets at big vikings , im done i will never ever spent a dime on this game NEVER EVER , even zynga was more loyal to there players than you ever bin since you took over the game from them everything has gone from sh...t to worse all you guys thinks about is getting payed , there is tons of failures in game but funny all the buy yocash banners poip ups works 24/7 365 days a year ..

I actully thought you guys would have give all the online active players 100-250 yocash to show you mean it when you say you care , but you punch every single one in there faces with 25 yocash :grr

I have no words for this without getting banned from forum permantly :quiet:

To every single one of my friends i got into this game , im so so sorry please forgive me , i didn't know it would be as bad as this i is , im so so sorry i didn't know , if i did i would never had told you to join yoworld and use your money never ever :wailing:

Ive played this game since june 2008 i bin through a lot of sh...t in this game but i have never ever bin punched in my face like this by zynga like you BVG just did to me and the rest of yoworlds players , shame on you greedy a.. mofo's all you care about is money nothing else ..

My VIP are canceled when i need yocash from now on i buy it from other players not bvg you guys won't get a cent from me no more , you killed it this time bravo :thumbsup:

I have 18 boards i didn't get any yocash ??? :eh:

I feel you xAx i stopped my vip also and im not goin to use any real money on this game anymore , this is enough for me 25 yocash is an insult like a kick in the nuts , there are players with over 1000 boards they have spent 100's if not 1000's of yocash and they get 25 in compensation its a joke and as you say it shows how less they care about us :wailing:

i do not hope this will end the game but im sure bvg will loose a big time amount of money bcz i do not think players will use real money in a game that don¨t give a sh...t about them.


Registered: Sep 06, 2009
Posts: 24

Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:17 pm
Well its been a bit since I played now I think I will officially can yo all together now they took away my only fun in yoworld doing my art I have 6000+ boards I have done in the coarse of yo started years ago from gifting out some to making my own home out of paint boards, Whiteboards all the art was ripped right from us now we the players make this game a game and then some company now rips cool things from us. :wailing:


Registered: Aug 27, 2009
Posts: 636

Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:26 pm
Viking Andrew wrote:Update 7/9/2024

Hey YoFans!

We wanted to give you an update on Paint Boards. Our team is diligently working on potential solutions and we are hopeful that we can restore functionality to these boards in the future. Our ultimate goal is to also restore images, although this might not be possible.

While we continue to investigate these solutions, we want to show our appreciation for your continued patience with a token of gratitude. Every player who owns Paint Boards and has logged in since April 6, 2024 will receive a FREE gift of 25 YoCash.

Thank you all!

The YoWorld Team

Update 6/21/24

Update 6/7/24:

Please see an update on this situation here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=249243&start=420#p5452853


Dear YoFans,

We have an unfortunate but important update to provide regarding the Paint Boards. Due to unforeseen issues that saw players abusing these boards in ways that were never intended and are in direct violation of our TOS, we have had to make the difficult decision to disable these items and erase all existing content. This means that, effective immediately, Paint Boards will no longer allow you to save images in game.

We understand that this is not an ideal solution, and we sincerely wish there were alternatives.

We acknowledge that many of you have invested in and used these boards extensively. We know that sharing art and creating spaces to communicate in fun and memorable ways are a core part of YoWorld. While we’re forced to disable this feature, please know that we are currently working on a compensation plan to address this inconvenience. Additionally, our team is diligently exploring solutions to restore and improve functionality or provide suitable replacements for these items in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


The YoWorld Team

I thank you for the "gift" of 25yc but I would also like to point out that I spent much more than 25yc... So, frankly I cannot consider the 25yc a free gift and I am sure you will agree with me. Having said that, I hope you will understand that to compensate us players, who bought and therefore paid for the paintboards, who have suffered damage - the cancellation of our work on the boards - 25yc is not enough and that you seriously want to think about compensating us with the right due..


Registered: Nov 14, 2021
Posts: 1

Tue Jul 09, 2024 5:06 pm
I have whiteboards and I did not get the YC?! I don't even see the icon to click to get it...plz help.


Registered: Mar 09, 2009
Posts: 7558

Tue Jul 09, 2024 5:34 pm
For those who can't find theirs...look at your game screen...right hand side where the megaphone is..there should be a bundle of money click there...if you see coins with its for the deals not the 25yc..i didnt get the right pop up :grr



Registered: Jun 09, 2022
Posts: 637

Tue Jul 09, 2024 5:43 pm
I also did not receive the pop up to claim 25 YC. I certainly have boards both in rooms and in my inventory.