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Registered: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 24081

Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:30 pm
Janet (173104943) wrote:
Viking Andrew wrote:Hey everyone,

We recently removed Paint Boards from the store so they are not able to be purchased anymore while we work on fixing them.

It looks like this had the unexpected side-effect of removing them from your homes as well. You should still have everything you purchased in your inventory, nothing should have actually been taken.

I've let the team know so we can get that fixed up now.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

Thanks Andrew -

It looks like they were successful.
All my boards were returned where I left them in the decorated rooms.
Albeit, they are still blank. :(
I hope the images return soon. :thumbsup:

Mine are also returned to my rooms. I also hope the images are restored. At the very, very least, I hope we are able to draw on them again.


Registered: Sep 22, 2009
Posts: 5

Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:44 pm
It is so sad as a dear friend who has passed had given a lot of us his art on our board. It was a great way to remember him. He had a special needs son and was now a single father. Very sad day.


Registered: Sep 26, 2020
Posts: 98

Fri Sep 06, 2024 3:30 am
Are there any new updates on the paintboards and progress of them being restored? I don't see anything in awhile on this. I was pretty upset & bummed when paintboards were disabled and at a loss on how to proceed with this game with much of my gaming wrapped around it from events, galleries, group portraits over the years, collections of yearly showcases, friends, art, a special memorial, created games to play, alot of creativity used 85%-90% of my game went dead it felt like. I decided to not invest anymore money for the time being when boards were taken like buying yocash & deals, I sadly canceled VIP and I walked away for awhile due to me not even being able to think of anything at all that could substitute and make up all of that void, some purposes were defeated. There isn't anything I can think of 2 1/2 months later since Ive been away, although Ive tried to think how or what could I do. Im not a steady current home theme decorator. I do my own things a lot. Being a Yoworld addict for years, I thought I'd have an extremely hard time staying away from game but I also reminded myself while I was first detoxing from the game. All was on hold, nothing I could do about it. My game depends much on those paintboards. I left mid June and I just logged into this account in the last week first time to check in with friends, say hellos, see what was up in the game. I was hoping to hear some good news on the boards after this long, some progress, even an expected time frame. All my planned ideas for themes events tours showcases and more before the boards were shut down, well all of my work came to a complete halt, on hold, waiting, just waiting. I'm still on a hold and its early September. Im stuck. I still cannot proceed forward in the game bummer. Imaging was the majority of my game for many various parts as it was to a portion of players for varying reasons. Good news though! I havent given up on YW completly, not just yet anyway, Ive been on a summer break, doing other things while waiting this issue out, looks like my break away may just run into a fall time as well, then I will see if it runs into a winter break as well. I hope not. Hope to be back on soon and back steadily playing the game & enjoying it once again. Waiting on you YW. Please give us an update sooon! Thank you for your time. :drink:


BP Speed

Registered: Dec 21, 2008
Posts: 172

Thu Sep 12, 2024 7:04 pm

We are NOT forgetting about this!!! I would like an update on the status of paintboards. Thank you.

Mr TaZ

Registered: Dec 19, 2009
Posts: 14

Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:20 pm
I imagine the devs are all so busy working on a solution for this catastrophe that they haven't even a moment to provide an update on their progress or expectation of when we might see a resolution. But I'm relieved there haven't been many comments lately from those who never had an interest in paint boards and couldn't resist to share their thoughts here.

Jimmy Ski

Registered: Nov 13, 2008
Posts: 1

Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:09 am
this is terrible! I made original arts on those things and would sell them to people. And now they're all gone! THE DAYS I spent making them , and y'all just poof take them away?! Shame on you ! SHAMMMMEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!! :wailing: :wailing: :wailing:


Registered: Sep 07, 2008
Posts: 37

Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:52 am
I've struggled at times to have added an image it would be nice to be able to have this option back but hard for you to regulate all those images accessible to Yoworlds end users, it's been about trust over the years, it's a real shame that a minority have spoilt it for others...

Pepper Pot

Registered: May 19, 2008
Posts: 81

Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:57 am
I can't begin to express my ongoing frustration with the currant YoWorld admins that still cannot come up with a solution to modify the age and content settings for the paint boards!! The money that's being made from the YoCash alone should be a way to have a professional software tech make the needed adjustments to restore all of the non-perverted paint boards, and filter or ban only the disgusting ones. I had no idea until one of my friends explained the horrible content that some of the boards had. Yet it seems completely unfair and illogical that in 2024 you can't fix the problem and ban the ones who mis-used the system and restore the rest of our years of beautiful and relevant curated paint boards.. :nerd: :eh: :heartbroken:


Registered: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 24081

Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:26 pm
Pepper Pot (38041) wrote:I can't begin to express my ongoing frustration with the currant YoWorld admins that still cannot come up with a solution to modify the age and content settings for the paint boards!! The money that's being made from the YoCash alone should be a way to have a professional software tech make the needed adjustments to restore all of the non-perverted paint boards, and filter or ban only the disgusting ones. I had no idea until one of my friends explained the horrible content that some of the boards had. Yet it seems completely unfair and illogical that in 2024 you can't fix the problem and ban the ones who mis-used the system and restore the rest of our years of beautiful and relevant curated paint boards.. :nerd: :eh: :heartbroken:

I agree. It's been 3 months already and still not a peep. I'm no programmer so I have no idea what goes into making such adjustments, but I feel like by now they should have come up with a solution. I'm wondering if they just don't care enough anymore to make the effort or if the real money we give them is actually used toward hiring more staff. It sure doesn't feel like our funding is contributing to hiring and improvements to the game.

I also don't know whether they banned the people who misused the boards. They might have. The problem is some banned players make their way back into the game. I don't know how they could prevent that entirely. It also doesn't mean people who didn't previous abuse the boards won't in the future. There's no way to know. And the age thing I think would be hard to connect to the boards. But it definitely needs a filter so there's no way to post the bad stuff.

I miss when they were more transparent and gave real updates. It's just silence from them now. :sick: And every time I visit a room that had boards I hand-drew and were nothing weird that are now empty I feel more and more hopeless. :sad:


Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 24128

Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:21 pm
I wonder if any Vikings actually tried using the paint boards to create something personal. If so they might understand how devastated so many of us feel....

Amy Pond

Registered: Aug 26, 2009
Posts: 6210

Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:23 pm


Registered: Feb 22, 2009
Posts: 11

Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:49 pm
Hey Vikings!

PNKM Lil T here. :) Wondering where the follow up is to the June 6 announcement about the erased paintboards.

1- Are there plans to turn them back on? If so, will our images be restored?
2- Have you thought about giving someone a job to monitor the paint boards if an image is reported as inappropriate?

Jerry JPY

Registered: Jul 28, 2009
Posts: 536

Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:10 pm
BVG since you have zero plans on returning the boards as per your last email to me.
Can we at least get a refund on the cost of the boards? Or are you just going to STEAL them from us? Not being able to use a product I paid for is theft.
Please refund our cost of the boards asap.
I do not care why you did it or what your excuses are anymore. The fact that you have done ZERO to address this issue yet proves you could careless about stealing from us like this.
What an awful way to treat your customers. Not happy at all. I am tired of waiting for you to repay me for the 7,500 boards you stole from me. Pay up now. Stop lying and telling us you are fixing it. You are not or it would have been done by now. Pay up you thieves.


Registered: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 24081

Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:41 pm
Jerry JPY (110313355) wrote:BVG since you have zero plans on returning the boards as per your last email to me.
Can we at least get a refund on the cost of the boards? Or are you just going to STEAL them from us? Not being able to use a product I paid for is theft.
Please refund our cost of the boards asap.
I do not care why you did it or what your excuses are anymore. The fact that you have done ZERO to address this issue yet proves you could careless about stealing from us like this.
What an awful way to treat your customers. Not happy at all. I am tired of waiting for you to repay me for the 7,500 boards you stole from me. Pay up now. Stop lying and telling us you are fixing it. You are not or it would have been done by now. Pay up you thieves.

Ok, in your email did they LITERALLY say they have no plans to restore them? Or did they give you a vague "we're working on it" type response?

I mean, I don't have faith that they'll have a fix anytime soon. They're STILL supposedly working on the inventory overhaul and it's been like 2 years or close to it. No updates there either. But if they have decided to scrap the boards completely, I think they would announce this. Maybe not, though. They like to string us along. I just can't imagine if it were the case that they have given up that they would tell us in a ticket. I would think they'd give us standard canned responses like that they're working on it and will let us know when there's an update.

Baby Cakes

Registered: Apr 13, 2010
Posts: 102

Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:59 am
I am not happy at all about this! I paid lots to get my paint boards done! Especially the ones with the Nativity stained glass. I had to buy the boards then I had to pay for them to be done! I have many now there all blank? not cool not cool at all! :heartbroken: :shocked: :wailing:


Registered: Mar 13, 2012
Posts: 24007

Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:08 am

LindyLou Who

Registered: Oct 03, 2009
Posts: 14174

Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:42 am
Dia (182313813) wrote:Image

:thumbsup: I second this

Jerry JPY

Registered: Jul 28, 2009
Posts: 536

Tue Sep 17, 2024 7:19 am
LisaTM (10095126) wrote:
Jerry JPY (110313355) wrote:BVG since you have zero plans on returning the boards as per your last email to me.
Can we at least get a refund on the cost of the boards? Or are you just going to STEAL them from us? Not being able to use a product I paid for is theft.
Please refund our cost of the boards asap.
I do not care why you did it or what your excuses are anymore. The fact that you have done ZERO to address this issue yet proves you could careless about stealing from us like this.
What an awful way to treat your customers. Not happy at all. I am tired of waiting for you to repay me for the 7,500 boards you stole from me. Pay up now. Stop lying and telling us you are fixing it. You are not or it would have been done by now. Pay up you thieves.

Ok, in your email did they LITERALLY say they have no plans to restore them? Or did they give you a vague "we're working on it" type response?

I mean, I don't have faith that they'll have a fix anytime soon. They're STILL supposedly working on the inventory overhaul and it's been like 2 years or close to it. No updates there either. But if they have decided to scrap the boards completely, I think they would announce this. Maybe not, though. They like to string us along. I just can't imagine if it were the case that they have given up that they would tell us in a ticket. I would think they'd give us standard canned responses like that they're working on it and will let us know when there's an update.

They have no plans of refunding at this time. Because they are still doing whatever their not doing. They should and could offer us a refund on what we spent and opt out of waiting on them to NEVER fix them instead of forcing us to wait endlessly forever for them to fix them. As much time that has passed already they should have fixed this. I do not believe they are doing anything about FIXING them. I just do not trust anything they tell us.
I just want my money back for the boards. They can remove them from the game as far as I am concerned after that. I will never buy any again. Specially since they can delete them at will and not care about the customers at all in the process. If they really cared they would have never deleted them all like they did. But nope a knee jerk reaction is all we got and a big screw you from them in one quick flip of a switch.
As you can tell I am not happy about this. I had 7,500 of them in use in my city and throughout all my places. When they deleted them they destroyed 100's of hours of hard work. And they could care less. Terrible way to treat your customers.
BVG takes forever to get anything done. And fixing stuff takes even longer. Tired of waiting myself.


Registered: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 24081

Tue Sep 17, 2024 11:05 am
Jerry JPY (110313355) wrote:
LisaTM (10095126) wrote:
Jerry JPY (110313355) wrote:BVG since you have zero plans on returning the boards as per your last email to me.
Can we at least get a refund on the cost of the boards? Or are you just going to STEAL them from us? Not being able to use a product I paid for is theft.
Please refund our cost of the boards asap.
I do not care why you did it or what your excuses are anymore. The fact that you have done ZERO to address this issue yet proves you could careless about stealing from us like this.
What an awful way to treat your customers. Not happy at all. I am tired of waiting for you to repay me for the 7,500 boards you stole from me. Pay up now. Stop lying and telling us you are fixing it. You are not or it would have been done by now. Pay up you thieves.

Ok, in your email did they LITERALLY say they have no plans to restore them? Or did they give you a vague "we're working on it" type response?

I mean, I don't have faith that they'll have a fix anytime soon. They're STILL supposedly working on the inventory overhaul and it's been like 2 years or close to it. No updates there either. But if they have decided to scrap the boards completely, I think they would announce this. Maybe not, though. They like to string us along. I just can't imagine if it were the case that they have given up that they would tell us in a ticket. I would think they'd give us standard canned responses like that they're working on it and will let us know when there's an update.

They have no plans of refunding at this time. Because they are still doing whatever their not doing. They should and could offer us a refund on what we spent and opt out of waiting on them to NEVER fix them instead of forcing us to wait endlessly forever for them to fix them. As much time that has passed already they should have fixed this. I do not believe they are doing anything about FIXING them. I just do not trust anything they tell us.
I just want my money back for the boards. They can remove them from the game as far as I am concerned after that. I will never buy any again. Specially since they can delete them at will and not care about the customers at all in the process. If they really cared they would have never deleted them all like they did. But nope a knee jerk reaction is all we got and a big screw you from them in one quick flip of a switch.
As you can tell I am not happy about this. I had 7,500 of them in use in my city and throughout all my places. When they deleted them they destroyed 100's of hours of hard work. And they could care less. Terrible way to treat your customers.
BVG takes forever to get anything done. And fixing stuff takes even longer. Tired of waiting myself.

Oh, I don't blame you for being angry. Many of us who used the boards to create or who were gifted boards from artists are unhappy and justifiably so. I wish they would let us know wtf is going on, but there's zero transparency anymore. And if they have given up on fixing them, they should tell us and refund everyone for every board bought. Or at least give us more than the measly 25 YC they gave us for our patience. People have spent TONS on the boards and now are left with them empty indefinitely. I get why they had to do it, but they should really compensate and they shouldn't be taking this long to fix.

I also don't understand why it's been almost 2 years and the inventory overhaul still isn't done. :dizzy: And they're not even giving us the standard canned response anymore. Just crickets. :grr I wonder if they even read the feedback here at this point. Sigh.


Registered: May 31, 2016
Posts: 15

Wed Sep 18, 2024 11:12 am
Can YW not just remove the ability to use the drawing tool or put some sort of "yadda, yadda" control when a person uses the paint board abusively? They give you a choice of blocking profanity in the talk bubbles, why can they not do this? If not, perhaps there should be a team that is specifically for that section of the game that monitors this type of childish behavior, and perhaps tec's should put these players on probation. PAINT BOARD was a good way of allowing players to express their photography and respectable artistic ability. I myself do not like the pop-up commercials that we are constantly forced to see and interrupt our game on an everyday basis, but that's okay just as long as it's respectable. I understand that YW does need to make some $$, however, perhaps they are going too far by dropping the Paint Boards, why not just put a team on it and monitor it, please?

Thank you kindly to all the Tec's of BVG at YW for all their extremely hard work and dedication to the players and the game -