Registered: Jul 31, 2009
Posts: 17627
Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:34 pm
I agree with everyone who posted above and everything each one said.
yo has a lot of players of a certain age who have the entitlement mentality. I want what I want and I want it now and it had
better be exactly what I want and perfect to boot. they are going to have a rl wake up call when they need to fend for themselves.
z had a lot of themes that were not my cup of tea as i'm sure bvg will do too, but I could always find something in clothing or furniture, coin or yocash,
that I could use in another theme. i'd just skip buying what I didn't like or couldn't use somewhere else.
I believe bvg is working hard to please us and this is only their first horse out of the gate.
I guess the old adage that everyone can't be happy all the time is true in yo land.