Registered: Apr 18, 2014
Posts: 71
Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:09 am
Last King (185743151) wrote:I have been learning about the forums, wishlist, how tos and all but something I dont know is about the signature pictures. How can I make one?
Hi Last King,
you can add a signature to your post by first going into User Control Panel, go to the Profile tab, then click Edit Signature. To add pictures to your signature, click the Img code, be sure to put a direct link to the picture you want to add to your signature within the brackets.
If you're looking to create your own signature, download a photo tool such as Photoshop (Paint.NET is good if Photoshop isn't in your budget), then look up detailed tutorials on doing so. Or simply request a signature from a player that's making them for free. There is quite a few signature shops among these forums!
Hope this helped!