XHunter Cuber
Registered: Apr 01, 2009
Posts: 2015
Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:09 pm
There are neighbors . and there are in game buddies . neighbors are your favebook friends and when you get them they show up at the buttom of your screen and you can visit them once a day for gifts . and you can invite neighbors by sending your facebook friends game requests . and buddies you can find in game . you just have to go up to a random person and then they could become your buddy if you sent them a buddy request . buddies can sejd you free gifts . and some times there are events called add parties . and you go there ajd add thirty buddies so you get 30 free gifts . i have 350 budies and I can get 250 marble chests a day . you can get that many buddies also . i will add you if you need buddies .