Registered: Apr 15, 2010
Posts: 3
Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:57 pm
I have an issue with the game itself. When you level up you get these really awesome
Diamond Chests that give you amazing gifts and even
Yo Cash... However I am personally unable to open them, I place the chest into a room and save... then try to click it to open and It does not do so... So I go back to Edit the room and move the chest just in case it hasn't saved properly... then when I save
it vanishes along with its contents..
I am level 60 and unlike most I do not put money onto my account via debit or other cards.. So therefore these chests are rather valuable to me. In the last month I have went up 10 levels through hard work and dedication, and
I have lost 7 Diamond Chests.
I would like to know if anyone else has came into contact with this issue and how they have solved the issue if they have done so...
I need help.