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ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:18 pm
Oh My. Dayzzzz. What a week. Derek X has GONEEEEEE!

I can understand why you were upset Cereza, as that was unexpected from the way her HOH started. I would have thought she would have been gun-ho for Hannah especially with her antics about Hannah a couple weeks ago.

But I'm actually low key proud of SB. She made a big move with her HOH and she was strategic in it's execution. I think Derek X got complacent and thought he was safe. With all his wins and strategical playing - he should never have felt safe. That was his biggest mistake. SB will be following behind Derek X I'm sure now that Tiffany has got HOH. So yea she made a move but she wont last long enough to reap its benefits lol.

I'm not sure how I feel abt Tiffany, she has been legit pissing me off with her dictorial style of telling the CO what she thinks is best for the CO. If she hadn't won, I woulda been crossing fingers that she went up for eviction just to humble her a little. She is a strategist, I agree with you, but she needs to improve her social game imo.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one that blows up the CO to smithereens lol. :haha: :haha:


Registered: May 24, 2010
Posts: 3012

Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:07 pm
The beginning of this episode was pretty chaotic. :silly: It wasn't shown on the show, but apparently Hannah forgot that she fell off the hammock, so I do believe she suffered a concussion. :sad:

The CO has to be one of the best alliances that has ever formed on this show. They have successfully gone undetected in the house, and their entire game plan has worked perfectly.

I LOVE jury house segments! It was great seeing Britini and Derek X again. Derek X basically pieced everything together regarding the CO, but a bit too late... I'm glad he respects the gameplay though. :thumbsup:

Although I wasn't the biggest Sarah Beth fan, I love that she fought and did everything she could to stay in the game. She didn't know it, but getting Derek X out on her HOH was not good for her game, and I knew it was only a matter of time before she was evicted.

I can't believe there is going to be not one, but TWO double evictions. The game is about to get very interesting. I just hope my girl Tiffany makes it out of both double evictions unscathed. I'm rooting for her! :heart:

ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Mon Sep 06, 2021 12:16 pm
Oh what a week its been in the BB house. Finally caught up today. And it was bittersweet watching SB go but I agree she fought hard to stay in the race and Derek X would have given her an extra week I think at best. If they hadn't got Derek X when they did I don't see them being able to now. Especially with how cut throat it is becoming.

Now Tiffany pulled a dirty one and although I think she has been an integral player to the CO success as an alliance, she is coming off as judge, jury and executioner.. there is clearly no more : '4 the Team' in her head right now. Nope I didn't like that at all and I would like to see her sitting on the damn bench in the next double eviction. Don't mind if she doesnt get booted but I need her to sit on that chair and take stock about the way she is coming off.

I was impressed with how Ky handled that convo with Tiff. He was calm and kept it cordial. If that had been me it woulda been a whole different thing. It's going to be interesting to see what Xavier does if he wins Veto... I'm lowkey hoping that he takes off Alyssa to see whether Claire goes up.... but to risk his own game???.... might be too big of an ask o_o

ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:05 am
Oh yeaaaaa this was a good episode!!

Tiffany won me back over, by showing she had the balls to put up Claire.... her denial about the alliance though could come back to haunt her. She should have stayed honest, I mean it's only going to be CO members in the jury now after Claire and Alyssa so their existence is going to be public info anyway.

The fact that Xavier had the same thought as I did about taking Alyssa off the block made me chuckle. I'm so happy that she managed to take herself off the block and made Tiffany realise what a mistake she had made winning that HOH.

I lowkey thought the CO girls would try to blindside Ky or X during the double. I'm so happy that they stayed loyal and have made BB history.

This wasn't the most exciting double eviction, as the outcome was already written in stone. :haha:

Next week's though!!!! Oh My. Dayzzzzz Imma get the popcorn and works for that. I can't wait.

ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:39 pm
OH MY GOSH!!! This was one of the best episodes for me this season (Sunday) ..... the game has truly been reset and it's ONNNNNNNN!

I wish Derek F had won the HOH though, he would have been brutal in his nominations I'm sure :haha: :haha: .... but Ky did it with class. This week's double is going to be vicious.


Registered: May 24, 2010
Posts: 3012

Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:46 pm
Finally all caught up, and I have so much to say...

The CO making it to final 6 is incredibly historic, and I am proud of each and every one of them for making it this far. With that being said, I do believe the CO should have agreed to keep each other safe until jury, and then played an individual game. Now players like Tiffany and Hannah are in danger because they sacrificed so much of their personal games for the six. While their dedication to the mission is commendable, I don't think anything is worth losing $750,000. :phew:

Unless things drastically change in tonight's double eviction episode, I do see Xavier winning this game. Like Hannah said in the last episode, Ky is handing his game over on a silver platter to Xavier. So are Azah and Derek F. From what I've gathered through the live feeds and these episodes, these three are willing to take Xavier to the end knowing he's bound to win. They are literally giving up their games for one man. Kudos to Xavier for having them wrapped around his finger, but it is upsetting to watch. o_o

Derek F is probably one of my least favorite houseguests this season. He's done nothing but lay in bed and talk badly about a lot of the women in the house, but he's most likely going to be in the final 2 because everyone knows he's not a threat. It is annoying to see houseguests like him be rewarded for doing absolutely nothing, but I know that's just part of the game. He's also a little delusional when it comes to his gameplay, he truly believes he's done more in this game than anyone else. :dizzy:

Tiffany said it best at the end of the last episode, they're scared of her because they know she came to play. She is the reason the CO was as successful as they were. Regardless of what happens, I'm proud of her. I do think there's a possibility she could be called back for another season in the future. :heart:

If Tiffany does go home, I'm hoping Hannah is able to win this next HOH. Maybe then we will see a shift in the house. Other than that, I hope we get to see the jury! I miss DX and Claire, and want to see everyone's reaction to what has happened this far! :D

ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:57 am
Oh my.... just caught up on the last week... and I don't really know how I'm feeling about the gameplay within the CO. :phew: :phew: :sad:

I thought I would be elated that Tiff was sent home but actually I felt a lil disappointed. I wasn't her biggest supporter especially when she was off playing the "only me" game when it was still an alliance based one, but at the same time I think it was unfair for her to be the first person outta the CO that got sent to jury. She didn't deserve that. o_o o_o

I'm not feeling Kyland right now either (he was my fav to win), as he is coming across quite bratty but at the same time I have to remind myself that it must be like a pressure cooker with so much emotions flooding thru that house. But I feel that he has set aside his social game, now that it's just the CO and his physical game has just NOT been able to make up for that. The way he spoke to Big D was not smart or even cordial. He is losing it, in many ways. Which is sad to see unravel. :(

I do think Xavier is going to win this game and I don't like that foregone conclusion. :grr :grr

Oh this week, has me all mixed up, as I don't feel that Derek should even be in the top 3, as he has not really "shown" up this season. And Azah ..... I mean other than blowing up in the earlier part of the season about her fellow jokers she also doesn't deserve to win. Urggghhhh I just don't know. :dizzy: :dizzy: :wailing:


Registered: May 24, 2010
Posts: 3012

Thu Sep 23, 2021 11:02 pm
Derek F has some nerve claiming he carried Azah to final 4. I'm sorry but what competitions have you won, Derek? Who exactly have you manipulated? Azah has every right to be upset over his comments. For someone that has sat on their butt the entire game, he sure does have a huge ego. He believes he's made it this far because he's a "strong competitor" when in reality, he was brought along because everyone knows he'll be easy to beat in the end. :yawn:

The jury segment was fun to watch. I truly love this cast and it's refreshing to see them even after they've left the house. Also, I was so happy to see them give Tiffany the credit she deserves. She truly played an incredible, well-rounded game, and like the other jurors said, if she had made it to the end, she would have won. ;)

As much as I don't like Derek F, he made a great game move by evicting Kyland. Kyland would have taken Xavier over Derek F. By evicting Kyland, Derek F has pretty much secured his spot in the final 2.

Tiffany and Hannah warned Kyland that this is how the game would play out. He handed his game over to Xavier and it bit him in the butt tonight. I just can't believe he would bring up Xavier's nephew. That's pretty low. It was hard to watch that exchange go down. :phew:

Unless Azah can somehow win the final HOH competition and evict Xavier in the last moment, Xavier is most likely winning this game. Out of the last three standing, I do believe Xavier deserves this win the most, but how crazy would it be if Azah and Derek F were the final 2? :haha:

ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:32 am
My my my! Just watched the episode...... I like you loved the jury segment and the fact that Tiffany was able to disclose everything she did. That was really cool.

And yes I agree... Ky taking Xavier off the block last week cost him $750k simple facts. He will regret that decision more than ever now that he is sitting in the jury. I do wish he had left the game with some 'honour' though.. I mean how ironic that his post eviction speech was about honour and like you said, he made some low blows talking about Xavier's nephew at the door. That was uncool and he might regret how that looks to the world when he watches it back. You played a game and you lost. That's all it is.

Yeah it was uncomfortable to watch and you could hear the stress rising in Julia's voice commanding him to get out of the house. That's the first time I think Julie has had to do that. :(

I legit wouldn't be mad if it was actually a Derek and Azah final 2. As I feel like it's foregone conclusion this is Xavier's game to lose. I did like that Derek X said that he wasn't team Xavier right now so he might be able to sway other jurors to give the win to someone else. Haha but on the real side, if it was an Xavier v Azah final 2 I don't think Xavier is home free. Some of the jury members might actually fight for Azah to win.

Next week is going to be hottttttt!

ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Thu Sep 30, 2021 10:52 pm
:party: :party: :party: :party: :quiet: :shh: :) :trophy: :angel:


Registered: May 24, 2010
Posts: 3012

Fri Oct 01, 2021 9:45 pm
Congrats to Xavier! Do I think he played the best game out of the CO? No. Do I think he deserved to win against Derek F. and Azah? Definitely. However, as I was watching, I found myself rooting for Azah in the final HOH competition. Guess I was feeling a little petty. :silly:

As always, it was fun seeing the jury again. They are truly a great group of people, and you can tell they genuinely like one another. I kept asking, "are they high?!" They were so damn giggly! :haha:

My favorite part of finale night... Tiffany winning AFH! :heart:

Final thoughts: History was made and the entire CO alliance should be proud. I hope this season sets a precedent for seasons to come.

ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:58 am
I agree with all you said Cereza!!

I too was rooting for Azah in that final HOH! Only because of how shameful Derek F had acted towards her in the last week. I wanted her to come in second at the very least, as she was determined to take her BB crush to the final two...#unrequitedLove :haha: Anyway it wasn't to be, by ONE silly mistake. :( She should be proud of herself though, she gave it her best shot.

Although I felt it was an anticlimax watching Xavier take home the win, he was, like Azah had said earlier in the show, a good representation of this season and the way the CookOut successfully operated. Out of the three left, and with gritted teeth, I accept the right winner was crowned. With the unanimous votes, so did the rest of the housemates!

I literally screamed with delight when Tiffany got the acknowledgment she deserved by America. That has to be the highest accolade imo because the world saw her masterplan come to be and fruition. I was also impressed with her on finale night and her insightful review of her own tactics. She owned her mistakes and accepted that she had been wrong. I love that. And she redeemed herself in my eyes. Better late than never.

Kyland continued to disappoint me with his passive aggressive shots at Xavier still, I mean the cues where obviously there for him to acknowledge that he had made a mistake in his departure from the house but he just wouldn't or couldn't see it. The video clip of him saying how he good he is at the game and therefore wants to return made me want to puke. I'm not sure if he is blindly arrogant or legitimately has an inability to see where he is going wrong. Made me think about whether he might be on the spectrum and therefore just doesn't 'read the room' as others do. I don't know.

Seeing the whole cast made me smile. CBS definitely hit a home run with the casting this year, and its a shame we didn't get to see more of the earlier housemates who were first evicted.

I also really liked Julie this season... she came across much warmer and approachable. Usually I find her, although very stylish, stern and standoffish. But this season, she was ready to mix and blend with the cast and it seemed liked she wanted to be all of their Big Sis, especially on finale, when she was like feck all of this social distancing 'I have to give y'all hugs'. :haha:

Final Thoughts ;)
Each of them (maybe not Brent so much lol) have a great future ahead I think and will forever be remembered as being part of this historic season.

I was reading some blogs after the finale where some commentators where arguing whether this was a 'reverse racist' season because of the Cookout and their success. It made me smdh, as the past 22 seasons of BB have had 'same race' alliances who go on to win the show and never a POC winner, but yet those seasons weren't 'racist' by their own standards. Give me strength!! :haha:

I think CBS has done an outstanding job in levelling up the playing field for people of ALL races, gender and sexuality in this social show. I was heartened to learn that going forward the casting of BB will ensure that 50% of the cast will be from POC and ethnic minorities. That is long overdue and I applaud them for this. It's a huge step in the right direction.

ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:02 am
And lastly:

I just wanted to say a massive thank you for 'watching' this season with me.. it's been really fun being able to share and discuss the highs and lows of this season with another fan! :thumbsup: :heart: :hug:

Roll on February for the Celebrity BB season....... I can't wait!! :) ;)


Registered: May 24, 2010
Posts: 3012

Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:37 pm
ijOjO uK (109723058) wrote:And lastly:

I just wanted to say a massive thank you for 'watching' this season with me.. it's been really fun being able to share and discuss the highs and lows of this season with another fan! :thumbsup: :heart: :hug:

Roll on February for the Celebrity BB season....... I can't wait!! :) ;)

Aw thank you for starting this thread! It's been a great outlet and I've enjoyed watching this season with you! I usually have to force those around me to listen to my BB rants, but it's so much nicer discussing the game with other fans. :heart:

I'm SO excited for celebrity BB! Can't wait to see who they get this season. :thumbsup:

ijOjO uK

Registered: Jul 23, 2009
Posts: 14008

Mon Oct 04, 2021 9:20 am
:heart: :heart: :heart: :hug: :party: