Registered: Jul 17, 2009
Posts: 144
Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:28 pm
Now to a lot of you this post might seem pointless but if it helps one person from overpaying then good!
I just wanted to let you guys know, these items are in stores for COINS. I keep seeing people selling these items for so much more than what they are in stores, it wouldn't bother me so bad if i didn't see people BUYING them from these people! I try to stop them and say no don't buy it its less in stores, but I usually get kicked right away.
The chandelier i've seen people selling for up to 15k! And the sushi seats I've seen sell for over 5k each! And like I said, PEOPLE ARE BUYING!
So if you see these things, don't buy em! They're in stores for less.
Again, like I said this post probably seems pointless to some of you but I'm tired of seeing so many yoworld players buy things for too much