Registered: Dec 20, 2012
Posts: 101
Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:42 pm
This is really starting to feel like a hack job because my antivirus has popped up 2 times telling me that yoworld is dangerous? this may be one of the many log in glitches not sure.
I know the history of Yoworld has always been glitchy, but not like this.
Operating system? My brother got a new gaming pc with all the extras and has the same issue. All browsers updated.
If BVG wants every player only using brand new PC's, i say good luck with that. One of the Vikings said next to no one is having an issue, then later upgraded the comment with they are looking into the issue.
I have unsubscribed. I will not spend another dime until this issue is addressed.
How would you know if next to no one is having issues?Many players do not even bother to send in tickets they just wait to see if the issue got fixed.
I did send a ticket in and Viking Amber got back to me quickly. She requested screenshots of what the developer tools indicated. I sent them, and I have not heard from her since. Perhaps she is on New Year break.
I have played this game for years. it is one of my favorites. I will check back every now and then to see if this mess has been handled.