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i just started playing on a desktop, and i got the 'desktop app, but i can't figure out how to collect the daily desktop app gifts. i usually always just played on my google chrome book, but recently started playing on a desktop so i got the app so i could collect those prizes... most of the time i open the game, and the gift page opens or pops up automatically and i collect the gifts... BUT sometimes, that pop-up window doesn't pop up, and i don't know if there is ANY other way to access those rewards. Like, is there an icon or shortcut or something i'm missing? or does the pop up to collect the prizes just pop up automatically? because if it's supposed to pop up automatically, it hasn't been popping the last few days! lol is anyone else experiencing this? or, is there a way to access that?? god i don't think this makes any sense lol i sure hope someone out there understands my question!
As you log into the desktop app daily, the gift calendar should come up and claim should be automatic. Press OK to close the window and continue with your session on Yoworld.