Registered: Jul 02, 2013
Posts: 23
Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:06 am
Oh BT,
It saddens me to see that you have to quit. I have enjoyed your pageants, and just recently won my first of yours. It was a major thrill to sign the whiteboard. I want to second what you say, pageant hosts are running out of coin, we are having to sell off items in order to provide prizes. A thought that has been running through my mind, and I doubt if it would work, but would there be a way to certify legitimate pageant hosts and allow them to purchase coin at a lesser rate? I don't know, it is still running around in my head. Somehow, allow legitimate hosts, such at BT and others to give out prizes without dipping so deeply in to their pockets.
Don't go BT, I bet many people would be happy with just the opportunity to have their name on the board!!!
Thanks - Kate aka Pi WiiLDxPLaYaZ