Registered: Jul 14, 2008
Posts: 10
Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:12 pm
As suggested by several others here I too think the Auction House could perhaps use a update. When you have bought a item the auction floor page jumps back to the first page. Its very a long way clicking back to for example page number 899 to buy the an other item you saw on that page. More annoying it is when you spotted a third item or more on page 899 and want to buy them. It would be easier for buyers if the auction floor stays on the page you bought something from.
Actually it already is in the system when you want buy something that just has been sold to someone else. You get a pop up telling that the item is no longer there. You can click that pop up away and continue on the same auction floor page. Staying on the same page after you bought something would be perfect.
An other idea to make it easier to browse through the auction floor pages could be a jump to page xxx button. Skipping all pages you previously just visited.
An other idea that came up when going through the items for sale in the auction house is: Would it perhaps be easier to have a button that sorts the items that have a buy out price from items that dont have a buy out price.
Im not that interested in following and bidding for items that are on auction for 24 hours. I prefer the buy now price.
A delete button for items the seller has put on auction would be useful too: I placed two items for sale for 24 hours with a price that was too high. I found out the average price was much lower after I put the items up for auction.
A (mouse over) average price button would be useful too after you have selected a item from your own inventory in the menu where you see a small picture of the item you are willing to sell and where you can put a minimum and a buy out price. Then you can adjust or compare your own price to the average selling price before you put the item up for sale. Now it's only possible to see the average price after the items are up for sale.