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Borgessa (124826802) wrote:Ha Chris i bet they are bothering your customers more.. I believe anyone who begs. Has no integrity. I will not help them.. I have helped Yo's who i have seen trying to genuinely buy things. I've paid for the items they want etc., and given them stuff.. But out and out begging. grrr.. I also hate arriving at a sale, and having some random you pm me for how much I want for my hair..
Yesterday I had a gal try it on. I went to an event got the pm, would i trade my hair for her lips LMAO.. I replied. Are you stupid? She replied NO - --- i'm like.. OOOOhhhh so .. you think i'm stupid? She laughed it off as a joke, and told me I didn't take it very well hahahaha.. Opportunistic vultures some of these guys & gals.
Borgessa (124826802) wrote:They sure can Chris but nothing we can do about it. I won't report them. I figure, BVG is over run at the moment with reports and petty stuff... If I reported everyone who irritated me. My hubby would be sitting in Jail hahahaha.
Adeline (113719515) wrote:We can block them, right? I am going to start doing that. I am also going to encourage the owners of the events to kick them.