This Is now a thread that I will post screenshots of my rooms in my homes in YoWorld. Feel free to add your rooms if you like. Originally I created this to post your Moroccan Oasis - coin tent homes, where you could share your photos of your creations and transformations of your Moroccan Oasis homes. They're a great house that we can purchase with coins and has lots of rooms! I'm sure there are plenty out there that can be an inspiration and help everyone out with fresh ideas! But I really didn't get much response of players wanting to share their rooms, so I've decided to expand this to include my other homes as well. I'll also add in a few tips and tricks I've learned or discovered and used to help other players to create the rooms they envisioned.
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I had 2 of the Moroccan Oasis Tent Homes homes I shared with my for this thread.:
This is the front yard of my "Oasis Morocco"
My Oasis Morocco Living Room
My Oasis Morocco Bathroom
Oasis Morocco Dining Room and Kitchen
Oasis Morocco Rec Room (Tent home's "Oasis Left") -I turned the lake scene into a wall mural and enclosed it in a room.
Oasis Morocco Bedroom 1
Oasis Morocco Game Room (in the Tent home it the "Oasis Right") - Again, I incorporated the lake scene into a wall mural and made an enclosed room around it.
Oasis Morocco Bedroom 2
This is my Easter home, This is one of my homes I got back empty when Big Viking Games got YoWorld back online so I had to redecorate everything. I used a Napa Valley Wedding Avenue for the front yard - so this is an avenue we can purchase for 1ยข does not come with the Moroccan Oasis Tent home, but wanted to show you how I have worked in the ave by attaching to my home.
edit. I think the price of the Napa Valley Wedding Avenue is a bit more than 1coin any rate, it's still a good deal for an additional entry room to a home.
The Avenue's stone wall door is attached to my Easter home (Moroccan Oasis coin home).so when you come in from the avenue (now the front yard), you are in my Easter home living room (which originally was the front yard of the Moroccan tent home).. Although I got back an empty room, I did have a screen shot to work with so I got it pretty close to the original room...except the original room had that big round brass mirror that looked like the aperture of a camera lens opening (from the Spies and SuperVillians theme). I looked all through my inventory and it's gone. I heard that if you got back any empty rooms and it contained any items that were gifted during the time you were assembling that home, all gifted items went back to the person who gifted them to you. (It's like a section of gaming history was cut out so anything that occurred during that time didn't happen.) That mirror was a gift from a friend, so maybe it went back to her. That mirror looked a whole lot better in the room than the one I have there now but this one will have to do since that theme is retired.)
This is the dining room/lounge. I didn't have a screenshot to work with so this room is kinda close to the original but a bit different.
Here is the bathroom. I tried to get it as close as I could to the original bathroom I did (had a screenshot to work with). At the time I originally did this room, BVG was still closing the sale so Yo cash wasn't available to buy and I ran out, so I made use of anything that was able to be purchased for coins and used a lot of free gifts I had in my inventory. Decided to keep the renovation as it was as a memory/reminder...
This is the kitchen/breakfast nook of my Easter home.
This is the den of my Easter home, it's the Oasis Left of the Oasis tent home. I didn't have a screen shot of this room either, so it is completely different than the 1st time I decorated this room.
This is the guest room of my Easter's Bedroom 1 of the Oasis home. It's different from the original too (no screenshot to work with).
This is the Master Bedroom (it's the Oasis Right room.)
And finally, in the Oasis' Bedroom 2, I built a bathroom for the master bedroom..