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Registered: May 21, 2011
Posts: 5254

Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:41 pm
I actually don't like guides myself, people are price jacking their items from what they see on the guides, but i don't like guides i will sell my item at my price, like common gold fox earrings for about 6-8mil that is ridiculous people just crave money. :(


Registered: Aug 28, 2009
Posts: 692

Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:42 pm
Alby Tross (104273253) wrote:
Di (117890804) wrote:I used to use yorehab a lot as a buyer going to sales, never been much for selling things myself.... I am sort of picky of what I purchase and buy for my own use. But I actually never considered bad intentions on the part of that site. Rather, how in the word could they possibly keep up with updating the vast amount of items that were being sold and resold when releases were happening at a furious rate? This was a fan site created I thought from people who loved the game and not for profit. I suppose any organization can have their thorns, but three or so years ago I was really grateful for them while playing.

Di, it's been a difficult time for all guides. I don't know how YP do their pricing and would never dare to presume, but YR relied on events, the trading section and FB pages. then, when events got stopped, it really threw things to the wind. People have asked if we ever use auction prices. We don't. It's too easy to manipulate prices through fake bids made by friends of the seller.

Many people thought that the game was closing so sold their stuff off. Then they realised that they had made a mistake and were desperate to buy the items back. this meant that the prices of some items went stupid.

I am hoping that withing a few weeks we will have new releases and that prices will start to settle down a bit.

Alby, you have always been so sweet.... And I remember talking with you a few times on the old forum. :) I really appreciate all your team has done and will do for our world. Seems like a really huge job to me, and of course resale value is always going to be what someone is willing to pay in the end? You keep that wonderful head held high and I am going to keep on smiling at ya. We will all see where the game heads next.... and thanks again for all you do.

Judge Moody

Registered: Jun 02, 2009
Posts: 2848

Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:44 pm
Di (117890804) wrote:Alby, you have always been so sweet.... And I remember talking with you a few times on the old forum. :) I really appreciate all your team has done and will do for our world. Seems like a really huge job to me, and of course resale value is always going to be what someone is willing to pay in the end? You keep that wonderful head held high and I am going to keep on smiling at ya. We will all see where the game heads next.... and thanks again for all you do.

Thank you. :D


Registered: Nov 04, 2008
Posts: 3135

Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:46 pm
I don't use price guides, my items my price.....................................................................................

Likkety Split

Registered: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 6012

Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:53 pm
Cheryl (7795024) wrote:Oh wow, Its hard to trust? Thats too bad, I thought the game was getting better?? It is on BVGs end... but I seen where BVG asked for someone from the price guide to contact them, so I would think BVG would keep an eye on whats going on the price guides ??? Or at least close to the prices?? I guess you're right about it being ran by players, so they want to keep the prices up. Thats sad, cause I use YoRehab to get the initial price & then I compared to YoPriceVille. SMH!!!!!!

If you have looked a few posts down from Greg askign to get in touch with the guide you would know it was about the clay avatars they gave away as prizes that were created by KoKo and they wanted to get in touch with the person who made them. It was all there in a matter of a few minutes the intention was CLEAR and since then people have been speculating over and over again.

BVG getting involved in private selling is like asking Ford to oversee all private sales of their used cars. It's outlandish. I don't use price guides personally. I pay what I think is fair if I want an item and I sell for a price that is worth it for me.

illAgentJ YRill

Registered: Aug 30, 2009
Posts: 517

Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:23 pm
TheGeneral(VaultKeeper) (14397783) wrote:
benledezmajr (103749920) wrote:I now a lot will be mad but I am going to defend priceguides and this is why. I do think that the people that work those sites work to keep the prices updated as much as they can. Their aim is to help those who have no clue about a price and not sale it at a blind price. If you don't need the priceguide, you know how much an item is worth or you just want to sale for whatever price, then nobody is forcing you to go look. I just get mad when I go look at yopriceville or yorehab for the price of an item and people start attacking me and telling me I am stupid because I am using the guide. Only I can decide if I am using the guide or not. I do not have the ball park price of each item memorized. Just my opinion.

No they don't. Wouldn't take them that long to update a guide if they just went through and started wit 08's and moved up, they didn't update barely anything for ages. They only focus on 08 costumes and items along with misc. items that they think are cute.

Let the events run prices like they used to before these guides came along. We did fine without them and we would do even better if they just poofed.

Wouldn't take long to update the guide? Have you seen how many items there are? THOUSANDS. We have agents for each category, not just 08's. It's a huge job to keep updated with over 20 people working on it every day.

Like everyone else is saying, guides are there for those who need them. The ONLY purpose is to help people with an idea of what an item is worth. Is something looks off, then people should do their own research on it. And as always, contact us and we will look into it.

Autumn Glory

Registered: Jun 12, 2009
Posts: 15479

Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:32 pm
I was informed yesterday that an 09 skeletal pumpkin set sells for 350k for all 5 pcs by a "guide quoter" Considering a new couch normally sells for 300k, I told him that perhaps he could find a "agent" to sell him the set that low.......I sell MY items for what I would be willing to pay for them. ;)

Cheryl Price

Registered: Jan 21, 2009
Posts: 47

Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:15 pm
Well, I used price guides thinking that was a good estimate....If they are not accurate, then why have them? Like I said, I sold a pair of Bunny Footprints, going by YoRehab price, then I went & looked at YoPriceVille & they were 75K more than what YoRehab said. So Of course my bunny footprints sold quickly, as I am sure so did other items I listed, Cause I'm not looking to be rich, just want to know what they are worth. I don't have a lot of time to check events or sales etc, so again, if we are going to have a price guide at all, why are they such a big difference in prices? Go look at the prices of the NYE 2011 Masks in both YoRehab & YoPriceVille..Why such a difference? Either its selling cheap or its not! I'm not saying I would count completely on them, but at least a ballpark figure or close together ya think?????

Cheryl Price

Registered: Jan 21, 2009
Posts: 47

Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:00 pm
So where does BVG get the prices to list on the item in AH??

ill Speedy

Registered: Jan 08, 2013
Posts: 2189

Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:02 pm
What i find funny about the Differences is that say if someone Has an Item, (E.g) Blue Retros And Price ville Says 7-8m But Yorehab says 8-9m and They're wanting to sell them, They'll obviously go with Yorehab. But if they're buying the Retros, They'll go with Priceville. I think there should Be and Only be One Price guide.


Registered: Aug 12, 2009
Posts: 13008

Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:03 pm
People who put stuff in auction house for sale assign prices.

Cheryl Price

Registered: Jan 21, 2009
Posts: 47

Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:08 pm
Yes they assign thier own prices but if you look in AH, next to the space where you list your price, AH tells you the average sale price & its different than YoRehab & YoPriceVille


Registered: Apr 24, 2009
Posts: 2854

Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:10 pm
Autumn Glory (105171200) wrote:I was informed yesterday that an 09 skeletal pumpkin set sells for 350k for all 5 pcs by a "guide quoter" Considering a new couch normally sells for 300k, I told him that perhaps he could find a "agent" to sell him the set that low.......I sell MY items for what I would be willing to pay for them. ;)


Or why I have sold many sets of haunted furniture at 1.8 million (before you updated them couch sets) and you better take notes here agent pokies....will be no less than 2.5+ at Halloween


Registered: Apr 24, 2009
Posts: 2854

Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:12 pm
Speedy FullPride (184406306) wrote:What i find funny about the Differences is that say if someone Has an Item, (E.g) Blue Retros And Price ville Says 7-8m But Yorehab says 8-9m and They're wanting to sell them, They'll obviously go with Yorehab. But if they're buying the Retros, They'll go with Priceville. I think there should Be and Only be One Price guide.

Or none............


Registered: Apr 24, 2009
Posts: 2854

Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:12 pm
ill Agent J YMC ill (118291735) wrote:
TheGeneral(VaultKeeper) (14397783) wrote:
benledezmajr (103749920) wrote:I now a lot will be mad but I am going to defend priceguides and this is why. I do think that the people that work those sites work to keep the prices updated as much as they can. Their aim is to help those who have no clue about a price and not sale it at a blind price. If you don't need the priceguide, you know how much an item is worth or you just want to sale for whatever price, then nobody is forcing you to go look. I just get mad when I go look at yopriceville or yorehab for the price of an item and people start attacking me and telling me I am stupid because I am using the guide. Only I can decide if I am using the guide or not. I do not have the ball park price of each item memorized. Just my opinion.

No they don't. Wouldn't take them that long to update a guide if they just went through and started wit 08's and moved up, they didn't update barely anything for ages. They only focus on 08 costumes and items along with misc. items that they think are cute.

Let the events run prices like they used to before these guides came along. We did fine without them and we would do even better if they just poofed.

Wouldn't take long to update the guide? Have you seen how many items there are? THOUSANDS. We have agents for each category, not just 08's. It's a huge job to keep updated with over 20 people working on it every day.

Like everyone else is saying, guides are there for those who need them. The ONLY purpose is to help people with an idea of what an item is worth. Is something looks off, then people should do their own research on it. And as always, contact us and we will look into it.

Slackers come to mind imo.........sorry. Maybe all 20 of you need to take a break from playing and update your guide, if its a week,2 weeks, month or 6 months how about a worthy guide. Guides are not even guides anymore just face reality.


Registered: Oct 11, 2008
Posts: 3043

Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:17 pm
If I use one, I will use Yopriceville. I am uncertain whether to trust AH because some put items just to transfer coin.

Missy Angel

Registered: May 15, 2009
Posts: 2821

Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:17 pm
Cheryl (7795024) wrote:Yes they assign thier own prices but if you look in AH, next to the space where you list your price, AH tells you the average sale price & its different than YoRehab & YoPriceVille

its taken directly from the game
whats on guides is not

Cheryl Price

Registered: Jan 21, 2009
Posts: 47

Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:58 am
Taken from the game?? I just lost out again according to YoPriceville & the price "taken from the game" ! So the game sets a price too? Wow, this is too much just to sell a few items. We need the actual worth of an item, not a guess, not what it selling for in events & not an average as I rely on the info out there just to make a few coins!


Registered: Sep 14, 2008
Posts: 627

Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:11 am
I find that the guides are only useful to find what theme and what date an item was released. Generally speaking, the older the item the more it will sell for. Unless it's a big ticket items the guide probably wont have an up to date price. I know that I have often seen a price for some small arbitrary item from 08/09 on a guide and then multiplied it by 20, added the AH 10% fee and sold it.


Registered: Oct 01, 2008
Posts: 11779

Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:14 am
Cheryl (7795024) wrote:Taken from the game?? I just lost out again according to YoPriceville & the price "taken from the game" ! So the game sets a price too? Wow, this is too much just to sell a few items. We need the actual worth of an item, not a guess, not what it selling for in events & not an average as I rely on the info out there just to make a few coins!

There is no set assigned price for an item. Its worth what you are willing to sell it for or what you are willing to pay for it. The tools are out there for you to research on your own and make up your own mind as to what is a good deal or not. Personally, I look at guides, then I look at AH and click on the more than one bid box to see what items actually have interest, then i put a starting price around the average selling price if it looks right, and a crazy, if it sells for thaT I will be lucky Buy it now price.