Registered: Oct 07, 2010
Posts: 3771
Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:55 pm
OMGGGGGGG she is sooooooooooooo cute! I didn't play a lot last yr I must have miseed it.
OMG 20 months is such a great age!
My grandma is 82, & my mom 62 and I am 40 now omg so I have a shot at 5 generations if one of my kids has a kid prob in next 6 yrs. We will see. If so I'm snaching that kid haha. Love kids.
OMG that sucks about your shoulder. My mom had that happen like 15 yrs ago in a car accident and still has pain but it a lot better. I really hope you heal. I can't even imagine as you use your arms and shoulders for everything.
I go to school and work from home online a little. If I lived by ya Id help ya out. it pretty much just me most of the time now that the older two graduated and the yongest is in her last yr of high school. I spend a lot of time alone. I have a boyfriend but he on a 2 day a wk seeing me limit. They try to move in if you don't have a limit lol.
I was married twice. No man living with me lol. Does leave me with a lot of free time for real. I was used to all this cooking and cleaning and being a mom and snap mostly over. Kinda but it hard to get the ones that don't live with you to listen until they learn the hard way and come crying to ya lol. 18 yr old moved out with her girlfriend oh 4 months ago. Ya know she will be back haha. I'm just waiting lol.
She doesn't not know what living with a partner is lol. They are both good kids I am lucky but im pretty sure it wont last forever lol. I didn't try to stop her. She will figure it out. Yeah leaves me with a lot of time. Id totally help ya out with chores.