XHunter Cuber
Registered: Apr 01, 2009
Posts: 2015
Tue Jun 07, 2016 6:02 pm
Hello Alienor .Do you want to know how avenues work ??
If so then here you go . You can buy avenues in the realitors office . And what they do is connect two houses together . Or they can conect 4 house depending on how many connecting spaces there are . To connect the house to the avenue .you have to be at the avenue you want to connect the house to . And you will see when you are at the avenue, the arrows to connect houses to . And so then you go in edit mode at the avenue and click the arrows that you connect the houses to.
.Then after you click that a list of houses will come up. Then you choose one to connect .
If you have any more questions feel free to ask . Have a nice day .