Teacher Iron TOY
Registered: Sep 02, 2009
Posts: 58
Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:44 am
Thank you for releasing new practice items. With the 2nd release of original designs I can see improvement on the creativity and design. Improvements still need to be made in the richness of the colours and details. They are sort of washed out, and are missing the highlites that made previous hairs irresistible. The clothing still fits a bit strangely, and again the colours are washed out. The male hair design is also repetitive, 2 releases of hair with pork chop side burns. The female braids and ponies are very nicely shaped but are missing the finer details in the drawing of the lines to really keep my attention.
HOWEVER ONE AWESOME IMPROVEMENT, it appears that the ill fitting moose-hat can be worn with 2008's costumes
please make all hats with this ability in the future HORRAY! And Thank you again for another release